Friday, July 24, 2009

INTERVIEW: Julianne Smith Garters

{images courtesy of Sevan Photography (}

The smile on her face is indicative of a woman who loves what she does for a living. Julianne Smith is that woman. She recently celebrated the launch of her new collection in DC with a fab party and cupcakes, of course. She was so kind to give The Bridal Wishlist an interview.

TBW: What is your name? What is the name of your business?
JS: Julianne Smith; Julianne Smith Wedding Garters

TBW: Tell me a little bit about yourself?
JS: Let's see...I live in Washington, DC with my husband and daughter. I'm a virgo. I don't like change, but I love when things are different. I'm incredibly loyal. I become obsessed with things way to easily. And, I almost always make my own ravioli. Oh and I don't like when the seat is hot from the person who sat there before me.

TBW: Why did you get into the wedding business as a garter designer?

JS: Like the obsessive person that I am, I was determined that my friend, Brooke, have the most perfect garter for her wedding. I was given one bridesmaid duty and I didn't want to fail. I couldn't find anything to match Brooke's fun, simple personality, so I just made it myself.

TBW: What is your typical work day like?

JS: I don't have a typical day. I wish I could say this was due to my almost 2 year old. But, no. It is me; I'm all over the place. There is nothing typical about any of my days.

TBW: How do you choose your fabrics and color palettes?
JS: I like to follow wedding trend colors, but then mix the palettes up a little bit. That is what I think brides want and expect from me.

TBW: Where do you go for inspiration?

JS: I'm really inspired by anything and everything around me. I love color and jewelry, and people with amazing personal style.

TBW: Do you do custom work? If yes, tell me a little about your custom process?
JS: Most of my wedding garters are custom designed. Brides generally want something in particular to match their personality and their day. My custom process is fairly simple: just tell me what you want/like and I'll try to make it work.

TBW: What is the most unusual design request that you have received?

JS: Here is kind of a cute idea that I haven't thought of before...I just recently received a request to make a headband for an infant to wear on her baptism which would then be saved for her wedding to wear as a garter.
TBW: That is totally a cute idea!

TBW: What advice do you have for brides?
JS: Just have fun! If you aren't enjoying it then don't do it.

TBW: If you could design a garter for anyone in the world, who would it be?
JS: I have no idea...
TBW: I guess that's a loaded question.

You can see Julianne's entire collection on her web site. Here's her contact information:

Julianne Smith
Garter Girl Blog:

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